Falador Diary
Total level: 749

The Falador Diary is the part of the Achievement Diary relating to Falador and its surrounding area, added on 9 December 2008.

The diary may be started by speaking to Redbeard Frank in Port Sarim, the Chemist in Rimmington, or Sir Vyvin's Squire in the White Knights' Castle. These people are marked with the green star icon File:Achievmentdiary.PNG on the minimap.

To complete the entire Falador Diary, players will need the stats shown to the right.

Skill boosts

If a skill level is not high enough to complete a certain task, temporary boosts may be available to raise it to allow completion. See skills for more information.


Items needed:
1,649 coins (2,649 if planning to drop the balloons), a lightsource, spade, tinderbox, cheese, bucket, 1 air rune, 1 mind rune, Ranged/Magic equipment to kill a level 1 duck, a mind talisman, and a tiara.
Skills needed:
10 Defence, 16 Construction.

Easy Tasks


Task Quest(s) needed Requirements Notes
Buy a Farming amulet from Sarah on the farm north of Port Sarim. None 200 coins Sarah is found in the house south west of the cabbage patch, not around the farming patches.
Buy a stat-boosting beer from a waitress in the Rising Sun tavern. None 3 coins One of the three is okay. (Asgarnian Ale, Wizard's Mind Bomb, Dwarven Stout) In Falador by West Bank.
Buy a black chainbody from Wayne's Chains, and try it on in the shop. None 10 Defence, 1,440 coins Buy from Wayne's stock, south-west corner of Falador.
Climb to the top of the White Knights' Castle. None None  
Discover your family crest from Sir Renitee. None 16 Construction Players may change his/her family crest to the Saradomin symbol to complete the hard task while there.
Enter the mole’s lair under Falador Park. None Light source (closed ones preferred) or a bat familiar, spade, tinderbox  
Feed Ridgeley, the hairdresser’s pet. None A piece of cheese Cheese can be purchased at Wydin's Food Store in Port Sarim, found in Aggie's House in Draynor Village, or churned using a bucket of milk on one of the dairy churns around Runescape. Be careful not to eat it
Fill a bucket from the pump north of the west Falador bank None A Bucket The pump is between the hairdresser and the mace store.
Heal an elemental wizard by casting an appropriate elemental spell on him (Air, Water, Earth, Fire). None Runes for casting elemental spells Cast fire spell on fire wizard and so on.
Kill a duck in Falador Park. None Ranged ammunition, runes for spells, or a halberd  
Kill a highwayman on the road south of Falador None None Keep the cape for one of the hard tasks, see below.
Make a mind tiara. Rune Mysteries Mind talisman, blank tiara  
Talk to Party Pete. None None Talk to Party Pete in the Falador party room.
Recharge your Prayer points at the altar south-west of Port Sarim. None None Near Mudskipper Point
Take the boat to Entrana. None Absolutely no armour, weapons, or explorers ring to board  
A player wearing the Falador Shield 1 and performing the emote.

Summary (Easy)

Suggested route: (it varies with players)

  • Go to Falador west bank.
  • Take the required items out of your bank.
  • Feed the Hairdresser's pet (in the treadmill) a piece of cheese.
  • Fill your bucket at the pump just outside.
  • Buy a stat-boosting beer from the inn.
  • Climb to the top of the White Knights' Castle (on the west side).
  • Talk to Sir Renitee on the first floor (second floor American)(east side) and discover your family crest.
  • Go to the party room and talk to Party Pete.
  • Kill a duck in Falador Park.
  • Enter the mole's lair.
  • Exit the mole's lair (by rope at south of lair or by teleport).
  • Run south near the southern exit and buy a black chainbody from the MAIN stock in Wayne's shop. Try it on in the shop and then sell it back.
  • Make a Mind tiara.
  • Cast an elemental spell on an elemental wizard.
  • Run east and kill a highwayman.
  • Recharge your Prayer points at the altar south-west of Port Sarim.
  • Buy a Farming amulet from Sarah.
  • Take the boat to Entrana (Remember that no weapons are allowed, or the explorer ring, so bank before going!).
  • Talk to Redbeard Frank on Port Sarim's northern-most pier for your reward.


Talk To Redbeard Frank on the northernmost dock of Port Sarim for the easy rewards.

  • Falador Shield 1, which has the ability to restore 25% of your prayer (daily) and also grants a prayer boost of +3.
  • 1,000 Experience lamp to use on skill of choice for levels over 30.
  • A new emote which only can be done while wielding the shield and selecting operate.

Medium Tasks

Summary (Medium)

Items needed:

6 willow branches, a crossbow (mithril or higher, dorgeshuun crossbow and Zanik's crossbow will work), a mithril grapple, a bullseye lantern (emerald lanterns DO work), a tinderbox, 3 sweetcorn seeds, a scarecrow, a seed dibber, a rake, a hammer, a pickaxe, full initiate armour, a ring of Charos(a), and equipment to kill a level 53 ice giant, and a level 33 black knight.
Recommended items:
Superheat runes, and 1 supercompost.
Skills needed:
30 Farming, 26 Agility, 19 Ranged, 37 Strength, 49 Firemaking, 49 Crafting(optional), 49 Smithing(optional), 20 Defence, 10 Prayer, 10 Mining and 40 Thieving.



Task Quest(s) needed Other (minimum) requirements Notes
Craft a Fruit basket using the loom at the farm north of Port Sarim. None 36 Crafting, 6 willow branches  
Crawl under Falador’s south wall. None 26 Agility  
Grapple up, and then jump off the north Falador wall. None 11 Agility, 19 Ranged, 37 Strength, Mithril grapple, A crossbow. Player must be outside of the city, near the party room to grapple. If grappling from the south, be sure to set video settings 'Remove Roofs' to 'Selectively' otherwise it is hard to see.
Increase your reputation with the White Knights by killing a black knight. Wanted! None Black knights are standing inside and outside the Black Knights' Fortress west of Edgeville. Those outside the area can also be tried.
Kill an ice giant in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. None None Fairy Ring Code: A I Q. While there, the task of killing a skeletal Wyvern could be done to finish the hard task.
Light a bullseye lantern in the chemist’s. None Needed:49 Firemaking, Optional: 49 Crafting, 49 Smithing The Lamp oil used for fuel is obtained by distilling swamp tar in the chemist's in Rimmington or at the lamp stall in Dorgesh-Kaan. Bullseye lantern is sold at the lamp stall in Dorgesh-Kaan or made with bullseye lantern with a glass lens. All that is needed is to take an unlit one and light it with a tinderbox in the chemist's house. No assembly is required (Sapphire Lantern CAN be used for this)
Pickpocket a Falador guard. None 40 Thieving  
Place a scarecrow to protect your sweetcorn as it grows in the patch north of Port Sarim. None 23 Farming "Plant" the Scarecrow before you plant the sweetcorn. The sweetcorn only has to be planted, not grown. 3 sweetcorn seeds are needed for one patch. You only need to plant in one patch, not both.
SaluteSir Tiffy Cashien while wearing full initiate armour. Recruitment Drive 20 Defence, 10 Prayer

Sir Tiffy is found sitting on a bench in Falador Park. You can buy initiate off him for 24,000gp. Note that the Goblin Salute emote will work as well, causing Sir Tiffy to say, "That's a very strange gesture, (username)".

Smith blurite crossbow limbs on Thurgo’s anvil. The Knight's Sword 10 Mining, 13 Smithing, a hammer, a pickaxe. Superheat runes recommended for those who mine the ore. Just one is needed. While there, try to kill a skeletal wyvern as well as an Ice Giant. This will finish a hard task and a medium. (Don't forget your elemental/mind shield!)
Travel from Port Sarim to Musa Point for free (with a little help from Charos). Garden of Tranquillity Ring of Charos Talk to any sailor whilst wearing ring of charos and travel for free.
Visit the Port Sarim rat pits. Rat Catchers None Port Sarim is the final rat pit from the quest.

Suggested route: (it varies with players)

  • Go to Falador west bank.
  • Take the required items out of your bank.
  • Pickpocket a Falador Guard right outside the bank.
  • Now run to the south-west side of Falador and crawl under the wall, repeat to return to the city.
  • Run north to the Black Knights' Fortress and kill a black knight standing outside.
  • Run south and grapple on the Falador wall, then jump down. (Near the Party Room).
  • Run west and salute Sir Tiffy while wearing your initiate armour.
  • Run south to the farm and craft a fruit basket using the loom.
  • Exit the farm house and run east, then north through the cabbage patch.
  • Plant your three sweetcorn seeds and water them then plant your scarecrow
  • Run all the way down to Port Sarim and visit the rat pits. (They are near the docks).
  • Travel to Karamja for free, and then return to Port Sarim.
  • Run south to the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon.
  • Once inside, kill an ice giant and then mine a blurite ore.
  • Leave the dungeon and smelt the bar (Use superheat item if you have the runes)
  • Smith the bar into blurite crossbow limbs on Thurgo's anvil.
  • Run north west to Rimmington to the chemists house and light your bullseye lantern.
  • Talk to the Chemist for your rewards.

Medium Task Tips

  • If a scarecrow is already made, sweetcorn seeds will only need to be planted.
  • If sweetcorn is already planted in the allotment patch, you will only need to place a scarecrow in the flowers patch.
  • Wear a ring of Charos (a) and talk to the sailors with the "Charm" option to be allowed to reach Musa Point for free.
  • To save some time, use the Superheat Item spell to turn the blurite ore into a bar to smith the crossbow limbs
  • A bullseye lantern will only need to be re-lit at the chemists house.
    • Note: The Sapphire bullseye lantern from the Tears of Guthix quest will work, as long as you are within the confines of the Chemist's house, the Emerald bullseye lantern from the Lunar Diplomacy quest will also work for the requirement as long as you are inside his house.
  • The ring of the reward from the Lumbridge and Draynor Diary may help in travelling to the farm.

Medium Task Rewards

Talk to the Chemist in Rimmington for the medium rewards.

  • Falador Shield 2, which has the ability to restore 50% of your prayer (daily) and also grants a prayer boost of +5.
  • 5,000 experience lamp to use on skill of choice for levels over 40.
  • Increases Farming experience when using the allotment, flower and herb patches north of Port Sarim by 10%.

Hard Tasks

Summary (Hard)

Skills needed:
60 or 75 Farming, 60 or 75 Woodcutting, 56 Runecrafting, 72 Slayer, 30 Defence, 70 Prayer, 60 Mining, 56 Summoning and 16 Construction

Items needed:
Lunar staff or Dramen staff, Full proselyte armour, omni tiara, mind tiara or mind talisman, 28/25 essence (either type works, see below), Cape, Fishing explosive, Ibis pouch, 5,020 gp or 5000 gp with a pink dye, Equipment for fighting Skeletal Wyvern, 1 yew seed or magic seed , and a hatchet. 

Task Quests Level Requirements Notes
Ascend the Dark Wizards' Tower while wearing full proselyte armour. Slug Menace 30 Defence
20 Prayer
You need to wear full proselyte armour.
Change your family crest to the Saradomin symbol. None 5,000 coins
70 Prayer
16 Construction
70 Prayer needed (boosting has no effect) Talk to Sir Renitee located on the east end of the first floor (2nd floor in America) of the White Knight's Castle who is sitting in a chair.
Craft 140 or more Mind runes simultaneously. Rune Mysteries 56 Runecrafting At level 56 Runecrafting, 28 essence is enough. All of the essence used must be of the same type to make 140. Using some of each(regular and pure) type will not work. From level 84 Runecrafting it can be completed with 25 essence. (The assist system DOES NOT work anymore, however you can get a mind altar teleport from the runecrafting guild, get a pouch, and get a +2 bonus from Oldak in dorgeshuun. You will need a tiara as well)
Cut down a Yew tree or Magic tree that you grew in Falador Park. None 60 or 75 Farming
60 or 75 Woodcutting
If you have 57 or 72 Farming you can eat a garden pie to do this task. 
Dial to the fairy ring on Mudskipper Point. A Fairy Tale Part II - Cure a Queen, up to the point where the player is shown how to operate the rings None Fairy Ring Code: A I Q, Lunar staff or Dramen staff is needed.
Dye a cape pink with Pink dye from Betty in Port Sarim. Hand in the Sand None 20 coins for pink Dye. Capes are dropped by highwaymen north of Betty's shop.
Enter the Mining Guild. None 60 Mining A dwarven stout(m) can be used to get in at 58 Mining or a dwarven stout at 59.
Kill a mogre at Mudskipper Point. None 32 Slayer Mogre (miniquest) is needed. Fishing explosive used as lure can be bought from slayer masters.
Kill a skeletal wyvern in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. Elemental Workshop I recommended 72 Slayer or
67 Slayer and Wild pie
Standing 6 squares away from skeletal wyvern disables its magic attack. This allows range from afar using range protection prayer without being hit. Equip an Elemental shield, Mind shield or Dragonfire Shield.
Summon an Ibis in the Port Sarim fish store. Wolf Whistle 56 Summoning  


A player wearing the Falador shield 3

Suggested route: (it varies with players)

  • Planting and cutting down a yew or magic tree if not already done do it before anything else because this can take an hour.
  • Dial to the fairy ring on Mudskipper Point.
  • Kill a mogre there.
  • Run north and kill a skeletal wyvern in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. And don't forget to equip an Elemental shield, Mind shield or Dragonfire Shield.

You can use the ring rewarded from Lumbridge and Draynor Diary to get out.

  • Run down to Port Sarim.
  • Dye a cape pink with Pink dye from Betty in Port Sarim.
  • Run up Summon an Ibis in the Port Sarim fish store.
  • Go through the crumpled wall and go upstairs of the Dark Wizards' Tower while wearing full proselyte armour
  • Return to Falador and go inside White Knight's Castle, change your family crest to the Saradomin symbol.
  • Run east and enter the Mining Guild.
  • Craft 140 mind runes simultaneously.

Hard Task Tips

  • Players MUST have 70 Prayer to change their crest. Temporarily increasing it with the spa bonus, the altar in the Monastery or Senntisten Temple, or the Ancient mace's special attack will not work.
  • If the player's current crest is set to a money bag, Sir Renitee will give the player a Money crest voucher when he changes his crest for the achievement diary.

Hard Task Rewards

Talk to the Squire who is at the center of the Yard, for the hard rewards.

  • Falador shield 3, which has the ability to restore 100% of your prayer (daily) and grants +7 prayer bonus
  • 10 000 Experience lamp
  • Access to new seeds from Wyson (found at the Falador Park), by trading in Mole skin in exchange for 1 White lily seed and a birds nest (must wield your Falador shield 3).
  • White lily seeds provide protection for all allotment plants when planted in a flower patch
  • More experience when gardening in plot north of Port Sarim.


  • On the day the diary came out the spoilers said: "Spoilers are wicked things, and the White Knights prefer to see them locked up for a day." However, the spoilers on the website were still locked, more than 3 days after the release.
  • On the day the diary came out, a player could be assisted by another player with a higher Runecrafting level to complete the task of creating 196 air runes in one action. Jagex noticed this the next day and changed it.
  • The Achievement Diary symbol in the chemist's was there long before the actual diary was released.
  • After travelling to Musa Point to complete the Medium task, a player can take a ride back on the same ship to complete an Easy task in the Karamja Diary.
  • After the RuneTek 5 update there was a glitch where buying a farming amulet from Sarah did not register in the achievement diary. This was fixed by Jagex shortly after.
  • Before 17 September 2009, the hard task "Craft 140 mind runes simultaneously" was instead "Craft 196 air runes simultaneously". This was changed in lieu of the air altar being moved to south-west of Varrock. Due to this update, the Runecrafting level needed has fallen from 66 to 56.
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