Total level: 248
The Lumbridge and Draynor Diary, an Achievement Diary for free players related to Lumbridge and Draynor Village, was released on 14 July 2008. The diary can be started by speaking to Explorer Jack. He can be found north of the Lumbridge castle in a house marked with the Achievement Diary green star icon on the minimap. The house is just west of the general store. You must complete lower level tasks before being allowed to get the rewards for the higher level tasks. This diary is slightly different from the other diaries as it is geared towards low- to mid-level players in RuneScape, so it is divided into Beginner tasks, Easy tasks and Medium tasks, rather than Easy, Medium and Hard.
To complete the entire Lumbridge and Draynor Diary, you will need the stats shown to the right. (You also need to be able to defeat a Zombie)
Combat is not necessary, although the required 31 magic to cast Teleport to Lumbridge will raise a player's combat level to at least 17.
Beginner tasks
- Items needed: Pickaxe, bucket of water, grain,small fishing net, 20 coins (if the Prince Ali Rescue quest has not been completed).
- Suggested route: Lumbridge castle, Al Kharid, Varrock, Draynor Village, Wizards' Tower, Lumbridge Swamp, Lumbridge, and for Members, the Canoe System is recommended.
Task |
Quest needed |
Skill requirement |
Climb to the highest point in Lumbridge
(Climb the ladder near the bank) |
None |
None |
Raise the flag on the roof of the Lumbridge Bank |
None |
None |
Speak to the Duke of Lumbridge |
None |
None |
Speak with the Doomsayer about the Warning System |
None |
None |
Pass through the Al Kharid gate
(10 coins needed if the Prince Ali Rescue quest is not completed) |
None |
None |
Mine some clay in the Mining patch north of the Champions' Guild
(The patch is in south-west Varrock) |
None |
None |
Make some soft clay in the Draynor Village potter's house
(Use a container of water with mined clay. You must do this inside of the potter's house) |
None |
None |
Make a pot on the potter's wheel in the Draynor Village potter's house
(It is located in the northern part of the village) |
None |
None |
Fire a pot in the kiln in the Draynor Village potter's house
(It is located across the room from the potter's wheel) |
None |
None |
Enter the courtyard of the spooky mansion in Draynor Village
(The courtyard is edged near Veronica) |
None |
None |
Visit the Draynor Village market |
None |
None |
Find out about the Rules of Conduct from the Draynor Town Crier
(Players should talk to him) |
None |
None |
Climb to the top of the Wizards' Tower
(This is the level where the demon is caged) |
None |
None |
Mine some copper in the Mining spot to the south-east of Lumbridge Swamp |
None |
None |
Catch some shrimp in the Fishing spot to the east of Lumbridge Swamp |
None |
None |
Sell a raw shrimp to the fishing shop
(The fishing shop is located north-west of Lumbridge Castle) |
None |
None |
Look through Father Aereck's selection of gravestones
(Players need to talk to him) |
The Restless Ghost |
None |
Play the organ in the Lumbridge Church |
None |
None |
Ring the bell in the Lumbridge Church
(The bell is located at the topmost floor) |
None |
None |
Talk to the Lumbridge Guide |
None |
None |
Browse the Lumbridge General Store |
None |
None |
Visit Fred the Farmer's chicken and sheep farm
(Players should go into Fred's hut) |
None |
None |
Grind some flour in the windmill north of Lumbridge |
None |
None |
- Explorer's Ring - when worn:
- Replenishes 50% run energy when using a charge once a day
- "Explore" emote - character looks around then turns the knobs on a sextant then uses it.
- Antique lamp - 500 experience in the skill of your choice
Easy tasks
- Items needed: 1 coin, needle and thread (both may be obtained for free by talking to Ellis), pickaxe, Fishing rod, Fishing bait, 2 coal, hatchet, Iron ore, tinderbox, one of these: (Water talisman, Water tiara, Water talisman staff Elemental talisman, Omni-tiara Omni-talisman, Omni-talisman staff or access to the Abyss), Pure or Rune essence, a weapon. Either bring your Ghostspeak Amulet with you or drop it before starting the quest.
- Suggested route: Al Kharid, Lumbridge, Lumbridge Swamp, Wizards' Tower, Draynor Village
Task |
Quest needed |
Skill requirement |
Mine some iron ore from the Al Kharid Mining spot |
None |
15  |
Obtain a cowhide from a cow in the field north-east of Lumbridge
(Players can just kill a cow) |
None |
None |
Have Ellis tan your cow-hide to make soft leather at his shop in Al Kharid
(1 coin is needed) |
None |
None |
Craft a pair of soft leather gloves
(Needle and thread is needed) |
None |
None |
Catch a pike in the river to the east of Lumbridge Castle
(Pike is caught by Bait fishing) |
None |
25  |
Smelt a steel bar in the Lumbridge furnace |
None |
30  |
Search the shed in Lumbridge Swamp
(The hut used to enter Zanaris, members should not equip the Lunar staff or Dramen staff) |
None |
None |
Kill a giant rat in Lumbridge Swamp |
None |
None |
Cut down a dead tree in Lumbridge Swamp |
None |
None |
Light a campfire from normal logs in Lumbridge Swamp |
None |
None |
Cook some rat meat on a campfire in Lumbridge Swamp
(The task is completed even if the meat is burnt) |
None |
None |
Craft a water rune at the Water Altar |
Rune Mysteries |
5  |
Get a replacement Ghostspeak Amulet from Father Urhney
(If players own the amulet(s), they are required to drop them before talking to Urhney) |
Started The Restless Ghost |
None |
Taunt the demon at the top of the Wizards' Tower
(By choosing the option from the cage) |
None |
None |
Have Sedridor teleport you to the Essence Mine |
Rune Mysteries |
None |
Access the bank in Draynor Village |
None |
None |
Have the Wise Old Man check your bank for unnecessary quest-related items
(Empty your bank from any quest items you want to keep, e.g. Silverlight, Blurite sword) |
None |
None |
Discover what the Wise Old Man is watching through his telescope
(The telescope is on the upper floor) |
None |
None |
Defeat a zombie in the sewers under the jail |
None |
None, but some combat experience is highly recommended |
- Explorer's Ring - when worn:
- Replenishes 50% run energy when using a charge can use two charges per day.
- Chance of gaining extra runes when crafting Air, Water, Earth, and Fire runes
- Ability to cast Low Level Alchemy 30 times every day without using runes
- Antique lamp - 1,000 experience in the skill of your choice level 30 or higher.
Medium tasks
- Items needed: 2 Steel bars, hammer, 3 Air runes or staff, 1 Earth rune or staff, 1 Law rune, pickaxe, hatchet, tinderbox, Raw lobster, Silver ore, Holy mould, Fly fishing rod, feathers, Willow logs, Cowhide or Pot of flour or Raw beef.
- Suggested route: Draynor Sewers, Lumbridge, Lumbridge Castle, Al Kharid, Lumbridge Swamp
Task |
Quest needed |
Skill requirement |
Smith a steel longsword on the anvil in the jailhouse sewers |
None |
36  |
Get Beefy Bill to bank a Flour, Cowhide, or Beef for you |
None |
None |
Use the teleport Lumbridge spell
(Not the Home Teleport spell) |
None |
31  |
Light a willow log fire on top of the Lumbridge Castle gatehouse |
None |
30  |
Cook a lobster on the range in Lumbridge Castle kitchen |
Cook's Assistant |
40  |
Try to obtain an Anti-dragonbreath shield from Duke Horacio
(There is no need to drop the shield if you already have one) |
Started Dragon slayer |
None |
Cut a willow tree, east of Lumbridge Castle (Managing to get a bird's nest also works) |
None |
30  |
Smelt a silver bar in the Lumbridge furnace |
None |
20 |
Craft a holy symbol in the Lumbridge furnace |
None |
16  |
Catch a salmon in the river to the east of Lumbridge castle
(Salmon is caught by Fly fishing) |
None |
30  |
Mine some silver from the mining spot north of Al Kharid |
None |
20  |
Mine some coal in the mining spot south-west of Lumbridge swamp |
None |
30  |
Travelling on the dual cabbageway.
- Explorer's Ring - when worn:
- Replenishes 50% run energy when using a charge three times a day
- Cast Low Level Alchemy 30 times every day without runes at Level 21 Magic, earning yourself 930 Magic experience daily
- Chance of gaining extra runes when crafting Air, Water, Earth, and Fire runes
- Teleport to Falador cabbage field (free and unlimited number of charges)
- Antique lamp - 1,500 experience in any skill level 35 or higher.
If players have the requirements and items to do all the tasks, the following is a suggested route:
Lumbridge Castle
Supplies Needed - Anti-dragonbreath shield, Raw lobster, tinderbox, Fishing rod, Fishing bait, Fly fishing rod, feathers, pickaxe, axe, needle, thread (optional: Lumbridge teleport runes, energy potions)
- Use the ladder against the bank wall to climb to the highest point in Lumbridge
- Raise the flag on the roof of the Lumbridge Bank
- Speak to the Duke of Lumbridge on the 2nd floor
- Obtain an Anti-dragonbreath eld from Duke Horacio
- If players already own the shield, they will only need to talk to Duke Horacio about the Anti-Dragonbreath shield. He will advise the player to look in his or her bank for one, and the diary will be updated.
- Cook a lobster on the range in Lumbridge Castle kitchen
- If required, fill the empty bucket with water near the fountains in the castle courtyard.
Items needed: Fishing Rod, Fishing Bait, Fly Fishing Rod, Feathers, Axe, Tinderbox
- Kill a cow in the field north-east of Lumbridge and pick up the cow hide
- Catch a pike and a salmon in the river to the east of Lumbridge castle
- Speak with the Doomsayer about the Warning System
- Talk to the Lumbridge Guide
- Browse the Lumbridge General Store
- Cut a willow tree, east of Lumbridge Castle (You can find it between the Musician and Doomsayer)
- Light a willow log fire on top of Lumbridge Castle gatehouse
- Look through Father Aereck's selection of gravestones
- Play the organ in the Lumbridge Church
- Ring the bell in the Lumbridge Church (3rd floor)
Al Kharid
Supplies Needed - pickaxe, bucket of water (or an empty bucket, to be filled later)
- Pass through the Al Kharid gate
- Have Ellis tan your cow-hide to make soft leather at his shop in Al Kharid
- Craft a pair of soft leather gloves
- Mine some iron ore from the Al Kharid Mining spot
- Mine some silver from the mining spot north of Al Kharid and save for a later task
- Buy Holy mould from Dommik, crafting shop, for later
- Mine some clay in the Mining patch north of the Champions' Guild - combat brace provides easy teleport to this spot
- If required, fill the empty bucket with water near the fountains in central Varrock
- Do not make this into soft clay yet; must be done in the Draynor Village potter's house
Supplies Needed - weapons/armour, 2 Steel bars, hammer, clay, bucket of water
- Enter the courtyard of the spooky mansion in Draynor Village
- Visit the Draynor Village market
- Find out about the Rules of Conduct from the Draynor Town Crier
- Access the bank in Draynor Village
- Make soft clay inside of the potter's house
- Spin the soft clay into a pot on the potter's wheel
- Fire the pot in the kiln
- Have the Wise Old Man check your bank for unnecessary quest-related items
- Discover what the Wise Old Man is watching through his telescope (telescope is located on the 2nd floor)
- Defeat a zombie in the sewers under the jail
- Smith a steel longsword on the anvil in the jailhouse sewers
Wizard's Tower
- Climb to the top of the Wizards' Tower.
- Taunt the demon at the top of the Wizards' Tower by clicking on the railing.
- Have Sedridor (located in the basement) teleport you to the Essence Mine. (optional: If a member, use Amulet of Glory to go back to Draynor to continue tasks.)
- Mine essence for later use (Runecrafting at the Water Altar).
Lumbridge Swamp
Supplies Needed- pickaxe, axe, tinderbox, Water talisman (or tiara), Pure/Rune essence, small net
- Get a replacement Ghostspeak Amulet from Father Urhney
- Mine some coal in the mining spot south-west of Lumbridge swamp (get two and keep)
- Craft a water rune at the Water Altar
- Search the shed in Lumbridge Swamp
- Kill a giant rat in Lumbridge Swamp (keep the meat)
- Cut down a dead tree in Lumbridge Swamp
- Light a campfire from normal logs in Lumbridge Swamp
- Cook some rat meat on a campfire in Lumbridge Swamp (You should now be done with Easy Diary section)
- Catch some shrimp in the Fishing spot to the east of Lumbridge Swamp (there is a small net spawn by the Fishing Tutor - Keep for later )
- Mine some copper in the Mining spot to the south-east of Lumbridge Swamp.
- Sell the Raw Shrimp to the Lumbridge Fishing Shop.
Lumbridge (again)
Supplies Needed only if Lost City Quest is completed - pickaxe, axe, Iron ore, Holy mould, pot, 3 Air runes (or Air staff), 1 Earth rune, 1 Law rune
- Smelt a steel bar in the Lumbridge furnace
- Smelt a silver bar in the Lumbridge furnace
- Craft a holy symbol in the Lumbridge furnace (the unstrung symbol is all that is necessary)
- Visit Fred the Farmer's chicken and sheep farm
- Get Beefy Bill to bank a Flour, Cowhide, or Beef for you (use the flour you just ground)
- Use the teleport Lumbridge spell
- After completing the Beginner tasks, you can talk to Explorer Jack to obtain a bronze Explorer's Ring.
- After completing the Easy task, teleport (or walk) to Bob's Brilliant Axes shop in Lumbridge to upgrade the ring to a silver Explorer's Ring.
- Walk or glory to Draynor Village and talk to Ned to upgrade the ring further to a gold Explorer's Ring.
- Previously, when doing Snowman Dance at the same time as the explore emote, the sextant would still pop up. This has now been fixed by Jagex.
- Some players were able to take use the third ring's teleport option to bring boxing gloves and other items only usable within a Player-owned house, like tea, outside of their house. The glitch could also be used to transport Karamjan rum off of Musa Point. This glitch has since been fixed.
- If players did not speak to the Guildmaster and ask him about Dragonbreath protection during the Dragon Slayer quest and they had already finished the quest, they were not able to obtain an anti-dragon shield from Duke Horacio and thus the related task could not be completed. This glitch is also now fixed.
- There used to be an issue where, if a player reached a certain stage in the Swan Song quest but did not finish it, the Wise Old Man would not be available in Draynor Village to talk to the player about unneeded quest items in their bank, so the related task could not be completed. One workaround was to log into a non-members world to talk to him, but this wasn't completely reliable. With the Spirit of Summer update, Jagex fixed this so the player can now talk to Miss Schism to complete the task.

Skill boosts
If skill level is not high enough to complete a certain task, temporary boosts may be available to raise it to allow completion. See the relative skills for more information. This includes potions and request assistance.
- After the RuneScape High Detail update, players could see the Achievement Diary green star in Bob's Brilliant Axes, and near Ned's cabin in Draynor Village. This was later removed by Jagex as they had not released the Lumbridge Diary yet. After the full release of Runescape HD, the two green stars reappeared again at Bob's Brilliant Axes and Ned's Cabin.
- After the release of this diary, when viewing the "Easy" task list, it said: "Taunt the Greater demon at the top of the Wizards' Tower. Most mid-levelled players thought this was wrong, while newer players didn't notice, until it was fixed about 2 weeks after.
- In the Beginner diary, the task of selling a shimp to the fishing store was added later that the original diary as the fishing shop was new. However this did not affect people who had already completed the diary